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Section A

Directions:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks。 You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage。 Read the passage through carefully before making your choices。 Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter。 Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre。 You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once。

Questions 26 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Physical activity does the body good, and there’s growing evidence that it helps the brain too. Researchers in the Netherlands report that children who get more exercise, whether at school or on their own,  26 to have higher GPAs and better scores on standardized tests. In a  27  of 14 studies that looked at physical activity and academic 28 , investigators found that the more children moved, the better their grades were in school,  29  in the basic subjects of math, English and reading.

The data will certainly fuel the ongoing debate over whether physical education classes should be cut as schools struggle to  30  on smaller budgets. The arguments against physical education have included concerns that gym time may be taking away from study time. With standardized test scores in the U.S.  31  in recent years, some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground. But as these findings show, exercise and academics may not be  32  exclusive. Physical activity can improve blood  33  to the brain, fueling memory, attention and creativity, which are  34  to learning. And exercise releases hormones that can improve  35  and relieve stress, which can also help learning. So while it may seem as if kids are just exercising their bodies when they’re running around, they may actually be exercising their brains as well.

















26. 正确选项 O tend

27. 正确选项 M review

28. 正确选项 L performance

29. 正确选项 K particularly

30. 正确选项 N survive

31. 正确选项 E dropping

32. 正确选项 J mutually

33. 正确选项 H flow

34. 正确选项 F essential

35. 正确选项 I mood

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it。 Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs。 Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived。 You may choose a paragraph more than once。 Each paragraph is marked with a letter。 Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2。

Finding the Right Home—and Contentment, Too

[A] When your elderly relative needs to enter some sort of long-term care facility—a moment few parents or children approach without fear—what you would like is to have everything made clear.

[B] Does assisted living really mark a great improvement over a nursing home, or has the industry simply hired better interior designers? Are nursing homes as bad as people fear, or is that an out-moded stereotype (固定看法)? Can doing one’s homework really steer families to the best places? It is genuinely hard to know.

[C] I am about to make things more complicated by suggesting that what kind of facility an older person lives in may matter less than we have assumed. And that the characteristics adult children look for when they begin the search are not necessarily the things that make a difference to the people who are going to move in. I am not talking about the quality of care, let me hastily add. Nobody flourishes in a gloomy environment with irresponsible staff and a poor safety record. But an accumulating body of research indicates that some distinctions between one type of elder care and another have little real bearing on how well residents do.

[D]The most recent of these studies, published in The journal of Applied Gerontology, surveyed 150 Connecticut residents of assisted living, nursing homes and smaller residential care homes (known in some states as board and care homes or adult care homes). Researchers from the University of Connecticut Health Center asked the residents a large number of questions about their quality of life, emotional well-being and social interaction, as well as about the quality of the facilities.

[E]“We thought we would see differences based on the housing types,” said the lead author of the study, Julie Robison, an associate professor of medicine at the university. A reasonable assumption—don’t families struggle to avoid nursing homes and suffer real guilt if they can’t?

[F] In the initial results, assisted living residents did paint the most positive picture. They were less likely to report symptoms of depression than those in the other facilities, for instance, and less likely to be bored or lonely. They scored higher on social interaction.

[G] But when the researchers plugged in a number of other variables, such differences disappeared. It is not the housing type, they found, that creates differences in residents’ responses. “It is the characteristics of the specific environment they are in, combined with their own personal characteristics—how healthy they feel they are, their age and marital status,” Dr. Robison explained. Whether residents felt involved in the decision to move and how long they had lived there also proved significant.

[H] An elderly person who describes herself as in poor health, therefore, might be no less depressed in assisted living (even if her children preferred it) than in a nursing home. A person who bad input into where he would move and has had time to adapt to it might do as well in a nursing home as in a small residential care home, other factors being equal. It is an interaction between the person and the place, not the sort of place in itself, that leads to better or worse experiences. “You can’t just say, ‘Let’s put this person in a residential care home instead of a nursing home—she will be much better off,” Dr. Robison said. What matters, she added, “is a combination of what people bring in with them, and what they find there.”

[I] Such findings, which run counter to common sense, have surfaced before. In a multi-state study of assisted living, for instance, University of North Carolina researchers found that a host of variables—the facility’s type, size or age; whether a chain owned it; how attractive the neighborhood was—had no significant relationship to how the residents fared in terms of illness, mental decline, hospitalizations or mortality. What mattered most was the residents’ physical health and mental status. What people were like when they came in had greater consequence than what happened one they were there.

[J] As I was considering all this, a press release from a respected research firm crossed my desk, announcing that the five-star rating system that Medicare developed in to help families compare nursing home quality also has little relationship to how satisfied its residents or their family members are. As a matter of fact, consumers expressed higher satisfaction with the one-star facilities, the lowest rated, than with the five-star ones. (More on this study and the star ratings will appear in a subsequent post.)

[K] Before we collectively tear our hair out—how are we supposed to find our way in a landscape this confusing?—here is a thought from Dr. Philip Sloane, a geriatrician(老年病学专家)at the University of North Carolina:“In a way, that could be liberating for families.”

[L] Of course, sons and daughters want to visit the facilities, talk to the administrators and residents and other families, and do everything possible to fulfill their duties. But perhaps they don’t have to turn themselves into private investigators or Congressional subcommittees. “Families can look a bit more for where the residents are going to be happy,” Dr. Sloane said. And involving the future resident in the process can be very important.

[M] We all have our own ideas about what would bring our parents happiness. They have their ideas, too. A friend recently took her mother to visit an expensive assisted living/nursing home near my town. I have seen this place—it is elegant, inside and out. But nobody greeted the daughter and mother when they arrived, though the visit had been planned; nobody introduced them to the other residents. When they had lunch in the dining room, they sat alone at a table.

[N] The daughter feared her mother would be ignored there, and so she decided to move her into a more welcoming facility. Based on what is emerging from some of this research, that might have been as rational a way as any to reach a decision.

36. Many people feel guilty when they cannot find a place other than a nursing home for their parents.

37.Though it helps for children to investigate care facilities, involving their parents in the decision-making process may prove very important.

38.It is really difficult to tell if assisted living is better than a nursing home.

39.How a resident feels depends on an interaction between themselves and the care facility they live in.

40.The author thinks her friend made a rational decision in choosing a more hospitable place over an apparently elegant assisted living home.

41.The system Medicare developed to rate nursing home quality is of little help to finding a satisfactory place.

42.At first the researchers of the most recent study found residents in assisted living facilities gave higher scores on social interaction.

43.What kind of care facility old people live in may be less important than we think.

44.The findings of the latest research were similar to an earlier multi-state study of assisted living.

45.A resident’s satisfaction with a care facility has much to do with whether they had participated in the decision to move in and how long they had stayed there.


36. 正确选项 E

37. 正确选项 L

38. 正确选项 B

39. 正确选项 H

40. 正确选项 N

41. 正确选项 J

42. 正确选项 F

43. 正确选项 C

44. 正确选项 I

45. 正确选项 G


一、语音知识(5 points)

第1题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。

A.practice B.possible C.physical D.pacific


第2题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。

A. arm

B. party

C. warm

D. farther


第3题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。

A.energy B.engineer C.encourage D.entrance


第4题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。

A. great

B. league

C. peace

D. neat


第5题 请选择出划线部分读音不同的选项( )。

A. theory B. throgh C. birth D. there


二、词汇与语法知识(15 points)

第6题 She kept a close eye__________the sick child and didn’t sleep the whole night.

A.at B.in C.for D.on


第7题 The effect of TV__________the life of average people is incalculable.

A.in B.for C.about D.on


第8题 Jim is the most intelligent,of __________

A.four US B.US four C.the four US D.US of four


第9题 I like all kinds of fruit,but my __________is banana.

A.favorite B.favored C.favorable D.preferred


第10题 We were overjoyed at the news of China__________ another man-made satel1ite.

A.starting B.1aunching C.fighting D.shouting


第11题 The headmaster wanted the classroom building__________as soon as possible.

A.to set up B.to have been set up C.to be set up D.being set up


第12题 __________they who did the thorough cleaning to the classroom yesterday.

A.These were B.That was C.It was D.Those were


第13题 HOW many times did the clock__________?

A.hit B.knock C.beat D.strike


第14题 The largest meteorite on display is in the American museum in New York city over__________34 tons.

A.to set up B.to have been set up C.to be set up D.being set up


第15题 He tried to__________his involvement in this robbery,but he finally confessed.

A.decline B.reject C.refuse D.deny


第16题 Mike wanted to go there by plane but he did not have enough money to pay for the__________

A. travel B. voyage C. joureny D. fly


第17题 There was plenty of time.You______.

A. mustn′t have hurried B. needn′t hurry C. must not hurry D. needn′t have hurried


第18题 Which is more important,the__________appearance of a book or its content?

A. artificial B. surface C. physical D. substance


第19题 This year the factory________ almost twice as many motors as it did last year.

A.turned down B.turned off C.turned out D.turned over


第20题 The good service of the restaurant the poor food to some extent.

A. made for B. made out C. made up for D.made use of



part ⅰlistening comprehension

1. b2. a3. c4. b5. a6. b7. d8. b9. c10. d


part ⅱreading comprehension

11. b12. d13. a14. c15. c16. a17. d18. c19. c20. b

21. d22. b23. c24. d25. a26. b27. c28. a29. b30. c

part ⅲ vocabulary

31. c32. d33. a34. b35. b36. a37. a38. d39. a40. d

41. b42. b43. d44. a45. c46. b47. d48. c49. b50. d

51. a52. b53. d54. a55. d56. c57. c58. a59. d60. a

part ⅳ cloze

61. c62. a63. b64. d65. b66. a67. c68. d69. b70. d

71. a72. c73. b74. d75. a76. c77. b78. c79. a80. d


part ⅰtapescript of listening comprehension

section a

1. m: excuse me, could you tell me where dr. brown’s office is?

w: the doctor’s office is on the fifth floor, but the elevator can only go to the fourth. so you’ll have to use the stairs to reach there. it’s the seventh room on the left.

q: on which floor is the doctor’s office?

2. m: did you hear about the computer that john bought from morris?

w: he got a bargain(便宜货),didn’t he?

q: what do we learn from the conversation?

3. w: your sister jane didn’t recognize me at first.

m: i’m not surprised. why on earth don’t you lose some weight?

q: what does the man suggest the woman do?

4. m: between the two houses we saw yesterday, which one do you prefer?

w: i think the white one is prettier, but the brick one has a bigger yard, so i like it better.

q: which house does the woman prefer?

5. m: it sure is hot today. this must be the hottest summer in years.

w: well, it’s certainly hotter than last summer. i was out in the sun today, and i think i’m five pounds lighter than i was this morning.

q: what does the woman mean?

6. m: i heard the student bus was overturned(翻倒)in a traffic accident.

w: yes, and what’s more, no one on the bus was not injured.

q: what do we learn from the conversation?

7. w: hello, robert. what are you doing here? drawing money?

m: no. i only want to put some money in my deposit account(储蓄账户). not very much, but i’m trying to save.

q: what is the man doing?

8. m: oh, no, i am not lazy. you should have seen my school report! they said i was reliable, industrious and conscientious.

w: well, teachers nowadays expect too little.

q: what does the woman think of teachers nowadays?

9. w: don’t worry about it, stanley. there’s nothing we can do now.

m: i can’t help it, stella. if i’d been thinking, this wouldn’t have happened.

q: what can we learn from the conversation?

10. m: you look very nice in this dress. perhaps the waist is little too tight. would you like to try a size larger?

w: well, the style isn’t quite what i had in mind. thank you anyway.

q: why didn’t the woman buy the dress?

part ⅱreading comprehension

passage one


第一段中作者提出长期困扰社会科学家的问题,即死亡率遵循一种一成不变的模式。在第二段中作者引用加拿大心理学家gerald wilde的risk homeostasis(体内风险平衡)理论分析了原因,并以交通事故为例,指出如果驾驶时系了安全带,这方面原因导致的车祸会降低,但另一方面驾车人因为感到安全可能会开快车,开鲁莽车,从而发生死亡事故。第三段讨论了影响寿命的因素,文中提到,保持长寿,不仅要注意饮食、不抽烟、谨慎驾驶,更要有乐观的生活态度。

11. b) 语义理解题 问的是长期困扰社会科学家的问题是什么,本题依据是第一段最后一句“it just happens that they follow a consistent pattern year after year”,与选项b)“死亡人数年复一年保持稳定”相吻合。

12. d) 细节推论题 本题题干出现在第二段第二句,意思说:虽然有技术进步和安全标准的提高,西方世界的暴力和意外死亡率在整个世纪中保持着奇怪的恒定(static),由此判断,技术进步和安全标准的提高并未降低各种原因的死亡人数,d项正确。

13. a) 细节理解题 问题是“根据体内风险平衡理论,某些交通事故是由于什么原因”,a)“我们天生的冒险欲望”;b)“开快车,开鲁莽车”;c)“无视安全带的好处”;d)“对超速行驶的本能兴趣”。在第二段靠后,作者先列举交通事故例子,然后在最后一句得出结论:it appears, then, that we have an innate need for danger. 符合a项意思。

14. c) 句意理解题 本句大体意思是:从数字统计的角度说,(开快车开鲁莽车导致的死亡人数的增加)抵消了系保险带(引起的死亡人数减少)的好处。cancel out解释为“抵消,对消”。所以c项“因为其他原因引起的死亡对消了系保险带的好处”符合题意。a和d都包含系保险带没有好处,不对,系保险带有benefits,会降低这方面原因导致的死亡事故。b)“系安全带与不系安全带的死亡人数一样”,无此意。

15. c) 语义理解题 问什么有助于长寿,依据最后一段。a)“对别人信任不要怀疑”,不对,倒数第二句是说疑惑心重的人比乐观豁达的人早逝;b项不对,文中说“eating the right foods”,并不等于低脂食物;c项正确,“an optimistic personality and never losing heart”都是“a sunny disposition”的特征;d项后半部分不对。

passage two


文章报道了美国加州就是否对能源价格进行控制这一问题进行的辩论,一方面,加州管理者、公用事业公司和州长都强烈要求对加州的能源价格实施限制,另一方面,联邦能源管理委员会坚决反对,认为以前取消价格限制的目的是为了让市场来调节供求,不会再人为干预价格(not to re-regulate)。文中许多地方采用直接引语,反映各自观点。

16. a) 细节理解题 题目是“加州人和联邦管理者之间的斗争是关于什么”,依据第一段,加州人要求“to cap spot market prices(控制现货市场价格)”,但联邦管理者拒绝了,a项正确;b)“取消价格控制的必要性”;c)“提高加州的能源价格”;d)“对电力供应的调节”,均与第一段不符。

17. d) 语义理解题 题干中的“dissatisfied with”与第二段中的“not happy with”是一致的,第二段字面理解为“他们生活在象牙塔中,如果他们的支付账单像圣第亚哥的人那样不断增加,他们就会理解这确实是个问题”,gray davis州长并非真的说联邦管理者生活优越或者不了解加州的问题(文章最后一段提及他们知道情况),而是说他们对加州的问题熟视无睹,不愿采取措施。

18. c) 细节理解题 本题题干对应第三段第一句,以前取消价格控制的目的是“to allow for a free market”,“free market”的含义在第六段进一步阐述为“to enable the markets to catch up to current supply and demand problems(让市场来解决目前的供求问题)”,所以答案为c。

19. c) 细节判断题 题干“为了有助于抑制价格的进一步上涨,加州的个人和团体干什么”,从全文特别是第一段可以判断,他们敦促联邦当局采取措施,c项正确。a)“实施合理的价格控制”,是要求政府做而不是他们自己做,不对;b)“敲打联邦管理者的门”,文中是比喻说法,并非真的敲门;d)“与政府提高价格的政策进行斗争”,与文章不符。

20. b) 观点判断题 问的是反对价格控制的专家们的观点。a)“除非有价格控制,否则加州目前的局面将会继续”,这是赞成价格控制者的观点,不对;b)“目前的危机部分归咎于以前指令控制政策”,正确,依据是第六段“command and control regulation that has helped to produce the current crisis”;c)“价格控制只能暂时解决一个州的能源问题”,不对,文章在最后一段最后一句说“they never work”;d项中后半句“将采取措施”,与原文不符。

passage three



21.d) 推论题 题目的意思是:在先前的章节中作者最有可能讨论了什么。依据文章的第一句选择答案:“非言语交际的另外一个文化方面是你可能想不到的:交际距离”,既然是另外一个文化方面(another cultural aspect),说明在前面章节中讨论了其他的文化方面,所以本题答案是d。

22. b) 细节理解题 问的是“人们谈话时彼此保持的距离与什么密切相关”,参看第一段第五句“but the size of a person’s ‘comfort zone’ depends on his cultural ethnic origin.(一个人“舒服距离”的大小取决于他的来自什么民族文化)”,“cultural ethnic origin”连在一起理解为来自什么民族文化,而不是指a)“出生;起源”;c)“习俗”;d)“国籍”。

23. c) 细节推断题 题目要求判断意大利人与阿拉伯人在非正式交流时的情况。第一段倒数第二句提到“拉丁或阿拉伯文化背景的人靠得非常近,甚至常常互相触摸”。意大利属于拉丁文化,所以c)“喜欢保持较近的距离”符合句意。

24. d) 词汇理解题 a “poker face”后的定语从句“whose emotions are hidden by a deadpan expression(其情感被没有表情所掩盖)”,但deadpan可能是生词,那就退回去看上一句:美国人为了表示强调会显示出各种表情,本句应该理解为“那么什么样的人会招致怀疑”,应该是没有表情,答案为d项。

25. a) 细节理解题 第二段提到“whereas some cultures view direct eye contact as impolite or threatening,americans see it as a sign of genuineness and honesty”,“genuineness and honesty”与题干中的“sincere and truthful”是同义,答案是a。

passage four


文章提到,dna可以用来识别个人身份。宗谱学利用遗传标记所提供的独有识别特征将人连成家族树。对于家族信息缺失的人来说,通过研究他们的遗传标记,可以使他们的家谱研究取得突破。宗谱学研究小组(the molecular genealogy research group)建立一个由10万基因样本组成的数据库,其最终目的是帮助解决仅靠传统文字资料不能完全解决的有关宗谱的问题。

26.b) 单句理解推断题 题干的意思是对第一句中“there are also regions of the dna strand(也有一些区域具有同样的dna线索)”的改写,原因就是前面提到的“because it is inherited(dna具有遗传性)”,既然是遗传,那么可以推断出具有同样dna特征的人必定有同样的祖先。比较四个选项,b符合这样的意思。

27. c) 语义理解推断题 基于第一段第二、三句,我们知道遗传标记提供独有的识别特征(unique identification)把人们连接在一起,形成家族树。换句话说,能对家族树进行研究,是因为遗传标记的独有特征可以用来判断一个人的基因身份以及与他人之间的关系,c项正确。a)“遗传学取得突破”和b)“包含在dna中的基因信息现在可以揭示出来”没有回答进行家族树研究依据什么基础这样的问题;而d项强调“用dna证明有多远(how distant)”与文章相孛。

28. a) 细节理解题 题干问的是建数据库的目的,对照第二段中“help in solving many issues regarding genealogies that could not be done by relying only…(有助于解决仅靠…不能解决的宗谱有关的许多问题)”。四个选项:a)“解决宗谱有关的问题时提供帮助”,正确;b)“无须依赖传统文字资料解决许多问题”;c)“提供代表世界基因构成的家谱树”;d)“获得10万份世界各地个人dna样本”均不正确。

29. b) 细节推断题 题干的表述相当于第三段第二句的“if two men sharing the same last name believe that they are related”,做题依据是本句的后半句“we can verify this possibility by collecting a sample of dna from both and looking for common markers(通过采集两个人的dna样本寻找共同的遗传标记来确定这种可能性)”,b项符合。c)“比较他们y染色体的不同”,并非要强调不同,错误。

30. c) 篇章推断题 a)“我们的方方面面记录着我们的祖先”,可以推断,因为dna具有遗传特性;b)“许多美国黑奴不知道他们的祖先”,正确,依据是第一段最后一句;c)“收养的孩子或者孤儿与他们的家族树没有关系”,不正确,因为他们与家族树的关系是基因特征而不是其他因素决定的;d)“宗谱学能用来证明人与人之间的关系”,识别和证明人的身份关系是宗谱学的目的,正确。

part ⅲvocabulary

31. c) 考点 形似名词辨异。commitment“承诺,许诺;承担的责任或义务”与前面的access“进入…的权利”形成对应。carry out one’s campaign commitments履行自己的竞选诺言;come and have a look round our shop without commitment to buying anything. 来我们商店看看,不必非买东西不可。commerce(1)“商业,贸易”;(2)“交流,交往”;committee“委员会”;commission(1)“授权,委托”:go beyond one’s commission越权;(2)“(处理专门事务的)委员会”:the military commission of the central committee of the chinese communist party中共中央军事委员会。 【译文】有些国家把加入世贸组织看作是进军国外市场的权利,而不是开放本国市场的义务。

32. d) 考点 单位名词辨异。chain“链条;一系列”:fasten an iron chain锁上铁链;after a long chain of contacts,they finally found out the truth. 经过多次联系,他们终于查明真相。本题是说顾客与商品提供者之间是一种链条关系,d项正确。pool“水坑,水塘;(液体等的)一滩,一片”:a pool of paint一滩漆;line(1)“行,排,列”:form a line列队排成一行;(2)“(货物的)种类”:a new line of winter coats一种新款冬令上装;stream“一连串”:the music evoked a stream of associated ideas. 音乐唤起了一连串的联想。


33. a) 考点 形似动词辨异。a)protect“保护,防护(后接against或from)”:protect oneself against danger保护自己免遭危险;protect one’s eyes from the burning sun保护眼睛免受烈日的伤害;b)prevent“阻止,防止”:vitamin c is supposed to prevent colds. 维生素c可以预防感冒;c)preserve“保存,维护”:preserve an old house保存一幢老房子;it’s the duty of the police to preserve public order. 维持治安是警察的职责。d)prepare“准备”。


34. b) 考点 动词短语辨析。根据句意,“撕毁”符合逻辑。tear up(1)“撕毁,撕成碎片”;(2)“拔起,拉起”:the wind tore up several trees. 大风拔起了几棵树。run over(1)“在…上驶过”:the car ran over some glass. 汽车在一些玻璃上驶过。(2)“溢出”:the milk(cup)ran over. 牛奶(杯子)满得溢出来了。(3)“把…粗略地看(或读、检查)一遍”:the teacher ran over the notes before the lecture. 老师在讲课前匆匆把笔记看了一遍。take apart“拆开”;shake off(1)“抖落”:shake the snow off one’s coat把衣服上的雪花抖掉;(2)“摆脱”:shake off a shadow甩掉尾巴。


35.b) 考点近义形容词辨析。本句比较影印件与数字复制品,根据常识选b。identical“同一的,(完全)相同的(后接to或with)”:the copy is identical with the original. 复制品与原件一模一样。similar“相像的,类似的”:gold is similar in color to brass. 金子的颜色和铜相像。resembling“类似的,相似的”,现在分词式形容词;alike“相同的,相像的”,主要用作补语:they are somewhat alike in their beliefs. 他们的信仰有些相似。


36. a) 考点 动词辨析。本题指物价有涨有落,选a。fluctuate(1)“波动,涨落,起伏”:with prices fluctuating so much,it’s hard to plan a budget. 物价波动这么大,难以制定预算计划。(2)“动摇不定”:fluctuate between staying or leaving拿不定主意是留下还是离开;increase(增加,增长);soar(1)“高飞,翱翔”:the eagles soared high above the valleys. 鹰在山谷上空翱翔。(2)“升高,猛增”:the prices seemed soaring up without limit. 物价似乎在无限制地飞涨。maintain(1)“维持,保持;维修,保养”;(2)“坚持,主张”:maintain one’s principle坚持自己的原则;(3)“供养,抚养”:maintain a daughter through college抚养女儿读完大学。


37. a) 考点 介词词组辨析。注意后半句中的put into effect“付诸实施”,前后形成对照,所以选on paper“在理论上;据书面材料”:on paper he is the better of the two. 从书面材料看,两人中他比较好。at sight(1)“看得见,被看到”:there was not a soul in sight. 一个人影也看不见。(2)“在望,临近”:peace was in sight after five years of war. 经过5年战争,和平终于在望了。under cover“秘密的(或地),暗地里(或地)”;in bulk“散装;大批,大量”:sell in bulk整批出售。


38. d) 考点近义名词辨析。均解释为“结果”,result最普通,指由于某行为而发生的事情或结果;outcome强调事情的最终结局:the outcome of the match disappointed me. 比赛的结果令我失望。effect侧重“效果”,指某种行为产生的效应,后接on+名词:harmful effects of tv violence on kids电视暴力节目对儿童的有害影响;consequence指某种特定条件或原因产生的后果,通常指不好的结果,bear the consequence“承担后果”也是搭配。


39. a) 考点 动词辨析。a)claim(1)“认领,索取,(根据权利)要求”:claim compensation for losses要求赔偿损失;claim a debt讨债;(2)“声称拥有,断言”:a caller to the tv station claimed responsibility for the bombing. 有人打电话给电视台,声称爆炸是他干的。b)declare(1)“宣布,宣告;声称”:declare a state of emergency宣布紧急状态;he declared his total opposition to the plan. 他声明完全反对这项计划。(2)“申报(纳税等)”:he did not declare the wine. 他没有把酒申报纳税。c)inquire“询问,查问”;d)apply“申请”,用于apply to…for sth. 。


40. d) 考点近义动词辨析。a)shower“下阵雨,喷淋;阵雨般落下或来到”:they were showered with invitations. 他们收到了大量的请贴。b)drop(1)“落下,滴下,投下”:she dropped her glasses and broke them. 她把眼镜掉在地上,打碎了。sweat dropped from his brow. 汗水从他的眉头滴下。(2)“降低(音量等)”:drop the speed放慢车速;c)descend“(从高处的)下来;降临”;d)fall(1)“(雨、雪的)降落;(2)(地位、声誉等的)降低;(3)(政府、政权的)垮台”。


41. b) 考点 词语搭配。go to great lengths(to do sth)“(为达目的)不遗余力,无所顾忌”。与length搭配的其他常见词组:at full length全身伸展地;极为详细地;at great length长久地;详尽地;at length详细地;最终,终于。与detail搭配的常见词组:for further details欲知更详细情况(请参看);go into detail(s)详细叙述,逐一说明;in detail详细地。


42. b) 考点 形容词辨析。前半句说地点比较笼统,后半句要求更具体一些。specific(1)“具体的,明确的”:have a specific aim有明确的目标;(2)“特有的,独特的”:feathers are a feature specific to birds. 羽毛是鸟类独有的特征。particular“特殊的,特定的;挑剔的”:particular about one’s food对食物挑剔;abstract“抽象的”;especial“特别的,特殊的”:a question of especial importance特别重要的问题。


43. d) 考点 词语搭配。make sense of“理解,弄懂…的意思”:children need to make sense of the world. 儿童需要认识世界。与sense搭配其他常见词组:make sense讲得通,有意义;in a sense从某种意义上说;out of senses失去理智;与message搭配常见词组:get the message领会,明白。


44. a) 考点 形容词辨析。本句注意前后意思,后面提到了坏消息,前面应该是改变乐观看法。a)optimistic“乐观的(后接about或over)”:be optimistic about one’s chances of success对成功的可能性持乐观态度;b)distressing“使人痛苦的,令人苦恼的”;c)indifferent(1)“不感兴趣的,冷淡的”;(2)“无关紧要的,一般的”:the actress gave an indifferent performance. 那位女演员的表演一般。d)pessimistic“悲观的”。


45. c) 考试 动名词辨析与逻辑照应。前半句的阅读与思考对应后半句的吃饭与消化,符合逻辑。digest“消化(食物);领悟”:this food digests ill(well). 这种食物不易(容易)消化;digest new ideas吸收新思想;chew(1)“咀嚼,咬”;(2)“深思,考虑”:chew over a problem考虑一个问题;taste“尝,品尝”;release“释放;排放;解除”。


46. b) 考试 动词搭配。single out“选出,挑选”,类似pick out或select(后面不用out):two other people were singled out for special praise. 另外两人被挑出来给予特别表扬。pull out(1)“拉出,(使)退出”;(2)“(火车从车站)开出”;(3)“(使)摆脱困境”:pull sb. out of danger使某人摆脱危险。


47. d) 考试 名词辨析与搭配。at the mercy of任凭…的摆布,完全受…的支配;at(或in)sb’s disposal任某人处理,供某人使用:i had no time at my own disposal. 我没有一点自由支配时间。at the risk of冒…的风险;at the cost of以…为代价。


48. c) 考点 形容词辨析与逻辑照应。本句中使用but前后对照,后面的词应该是close相对的意思,c项distant“远离的”正确。advanced“超前的,高级的”;reliable“可靠的”;sophisticated“老于世故的;精通的;尖端的”。


49. b) 考点 形似名词辨析与搭配。a guilty(或bad)conscience内疚;其他相关词组:have sth. on one’s conscience为某事而内疚;in(all)conscience凭良心;的确,当然;consciousness“知觉,意识”;consequence“后果”;confusion“混淆,混乱”。


50. d) 考点近义名词辨析。d项正确,stretch(1)“(连绵的)一片”:a stretch of desert一片沙漠;(2)“舒展,伸展”:make a stretch of an arm伸长手臂;extension(1)“延长,延伸”;(2)“(房屋的)扩建部分”:they have built an extension to the hospital to provide more beds. 他们扩建医院以增加床位。(3)“电话分机”;length“长度;一段时间”:add much length of life to大大延长…的寿命;spell“一段时间;(疾病等的)一次发作”:a dizzy spell一阵眩晕。


51.a) 考点 动词辨析与搭配。a)invest“投入(时间、金钱、精力等,后接介词in)”:invest one’s time in community service把时间花在社区服务上;b)exhaust“用完,花光,耗尽”:the civil war exhausted that country. 内战使那个国家民穷财尽。c)devote“把…奉献给(后接介词to)”:devote oneself to the good of the people献身于人民的利益;d)assign“把…分配给(后接介词to)”。


52. b) 考点 形容词辨析与逻辑照应。后半句说只要求少量增加工资,所以选b)moderate“不过分的,适度的;(费用、价格)公道的”:the hotel is moderate in its charges. 这家旅馆收费公道。general“一般的,总的”:the general opinion一般的看法;partial“偏袒的,不公平的”;numerous“许多的,众多的”。


53. d) 考点 词组用法辨析。固定搭配know better than明事理(而不至于);other than“除了;不同于”:there is nobody here other than me. 除了我这里没有别人。the truth is quite other than what you think. 事实与你想的完全不一样。rather than“而不是”;more than“超过”。


54. a) 考点 名词辨析与搭配。词组in the dark“蒙在鼓里;在暗处;秘密地”:the transaction was made in the dark. 这笔交易是暗中做成的。ignorance“无知,愚昧”;shade“阴凉处”;shadow“影子,阴影”。


55. d) 考点 动词词组辨析。a)let up“停止,暂停”;b)let down“放松,松懈”:as his interest wore off,he began to let down. 随着兴趣的减弱,他开始松劲了。c)let off“宽恕;放(枪、炮、烟火等)”:let off fireworks放烟火;d)let out(1)“发出”:let out a cry of pain发出一声痛苦的叫声;(2)“出租”:let out cars by the day按天出租汽车。


56. c) 考点 形似动词辨析。a)resume“恢复,重新开始”;b)assess“估计(形势等)”;c)assume(1)“假定,设想”;(2)“担任,承担”:assume responsibility for sth. 为某事承担责任;d)assure“使确信,使放心”:nothing will assure permanent happiness. 没有什么能保证永久的幸福。


57. c) 考点近义名词辨析。本句理解为:在某种场合下,你不得已做某事。occasion“场合,时机”:a formal occasion正式场合;与occasion搭配的相关词组:by occasion of由于,因为;on occasion(s)偶尔,间或,有时;on the occasion of在…之际;chance和opportunity表示为实现计划或愿望而获得的机会:opportunity knocks at the door only once. 机不可失,时不再来。have a chance to see the hero有机会看到英雄;situation“形势,局面;处境”:get into a difficult situation陷入困境。


58. a) 考点近义动词辨析。a)creep(过去式crept)“(缓慢或悄悄的)行进”;b)stagger“摇晃”:stagger into a room蹒跚着走进房间;c)rush“冲,奔”:rush toward a door奔向门口;d)march“进军,行进”:march around the playground绕操场列队行进。


59. d) 考点 名词辨析。根据常识,建筑物中是钢筋结构,d正确。framework(1)“构架,框架”:a bridge with a metal framework金属结构桥梁;(2)“结构,体系”:within the framework of traditional institutions and ideas在传统习俗和思想的框框之内;institution“(教育、宗教等)机构;习俗”:an educational institution教育机构;terminal“末端,终点;终点站”:at the railroad terminal在铁路终点站;sightseeing“观光,游览”。


60. a) 考点 形容词辨析与逻辑照应。既然后面提到有些内容相互矛盾,那一定内容结构不协调。a)integrated“整体的,综合的,(各部分)相互协调的”:an integrated personality完整的个性;b)informed“有知识的,见闻广的”;c)intensive“加强的,深入细致的”:intensive training强化训练;an intensive discussion of the plan对计划的深入讨论;d)inward“里面的,内部的;内心的”:an inward room内室。


part ⅳcloze


61. c) 根据句意,“食品银行”的食物来自于什么地方,c项正确。result from表示“因为,由于”,意思不妥。

62. a) give away此处解释为“送掉,赠送”,a项正确。give out“公布,发表;用完”;give over“移交;停止(做某事)”;give off“发出(气味、信号等)”。

63. b)项正确。前半句意思是“食品银行实行复杂而先进的仓储式运作”,后半句是定语从句,由where引导,相当于during which。

64. d)根据前后动词的意义确定该题选项,前面是“收集食品”,后面是“再分发食品”,中间应该取sort“对食品进行分类”,而不是process“对食品加工”,d项正确。

65. b)下文提到通过机构网络提供服务,而不是直接发送食品,选b。

66. a)those in need意为“穷人”,符合上下文意思,a项正确。

67. c)前半句为否定,后半句是肯定,中间用instead连接。c项正确。

68. d)an extensive network意为“庞大的网络”,d项正确。

69. b)根据句意,各个机构服务各自的社区,应选respective。

70. d)参照上一句,community正确。

71. a)从上下文意思判断,此处表示结果(therefore),而不是转折(nevertheless),让步(still)或对比(conversely),a正确。

72. c) a number of后接复数名词,a quantity of虽然也表示“大量”,一般不用于指人,如a quantity of meat,a quantity of vegetables,c项正确。

73. b)下文提到食品银行还经营儿童快餐和社区农业项目,所以本题选other。

74. d) range from…to…是固定搭配:“从…到…不等;涉及从…到…”。

75. a)儿童快餐是课外食品供应项目的一部分,a项正确。

76. c)raise funds是词组,意为“筹集资金”。

77. b)项正确,注意句末关键词hungry,所以用feed“提供食物”。

78. c)参看逗号前a hunger advocate“主张存在饥饿现象者”,后面应该是对饥饿现象的研究,选c。

79. a)本处的意思为“国内饥饿现象这一问题”,应选issue,a项正确。

80. d)economic boom“经济繁荣”,形容词作定语。

part ⅴwriting

写作提示:本文要求写一封贷款信。理由要充分,对学生来说,由于家庭困难而无法支付学费是不错的话题。在行文时需注意句子结构的变化,简单句、并列句和复杂句尽可能交叉使用。在涉及词语的使用时,注意有意识的变化,比如“主修”可以表述为“major in”或“specialize in”;“学费”可以用expenses、tuition、fees等等;“经济困难”使用“financial burden/pressure/difficulties”。


a letter applying for a bank loan

mar. 1

dear sir/madame,

i am a sophomore in shanghai university, majoring in computer software. in the previous one and a half years i have been a model student and monitor of my class.

however, since i registered here, the expenses have become a burden for my average family. you know, my parents are both laid-off workers, and, to make matters worse, my mother has suddenly fallen ill and is expecting a major operation. it will be beyond their ability to finance me through my remaining education. it is now a must for me to help relieve their financial pressure. so i’m applying to your bank for a loan of 10,000 yuan. if my application is approved, all the money will go to my tuition and fees for the coming academic years.

i’ve made a detailed plan to arrange my school life. a part-time job as a family tutor will not be difficult to find and some work-study programs for students like me are also provided in our university. from these sources i will be able to earn more than enough to support myself. i guarantee that i will repay the loan within five years, that is, within two years after my graduation. please have confidence in me: i have a very good credit record.

i would be greatly obliged if my application is granted. many thanks.

yours sincerely,











例:How much is the shirt?

A.£19.15. B. £9.15.C. £9.18.


1 .How long will it take the woman to get to Dupont Station?

A. About an hour. B. About 40 minutes. C.About half an hour.

2. Where will the speakers sit?

A. By the window. B .h a corner. C. At the door.

3. How will the woman go to the party?

A. By taxi. B.By train. C.By bus.

4. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A cake. B. A fruit. C.A drink.

5. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a library. B.In a bookstore. C.In a hotel.




6. How many weeks has the man had classes with Mrs. Boyd?

A. One.B. Two.C .Four.

7. How is Mrs. Boyd different from Mr. Jones?

A. She asks students to do things her way.

B.She is much stricter than Mr. Jones.

C .She gives students mare freedom.


8. What does the man advise the woman to do?

A. Apply for a position.

B. Refer to Susan’s files.

C. Talk to David' about the meeting.

9. What does the man want to know in the end?

A. When the meeting begins.

B. Who will attend the meeting.

C. What will be discussed at the meeting.


10. How does the man want to deal with the rice cooker?

A.. Have it repaired. B. Exchange it. C.Return it.

11.What day is it today?

A. Friday. B.Thursday. C: Wednesday.

12. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Tell her his credit card number:

B. Make a phone call to her wife.

C. Wait for her phone call.


13.How long has Corey been doing ice diving?

A . 2 years . B . 7 year. C. 9 years.

14. What is the woman’s favorite hobby now?

A. Skiing. B. Swimming. C. Acting.

15.What does the woman think of playing computer games?

A. It’s a waste of time.. B. It’s relaxing. C .it helps her make friends.

16. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Neighbors. B. Classmates. C. Relatives.


17. What part of work does the speaker do on his own?

A. Thinking of stories. B.Developing programs. C.Writing dialogues.

18. What did the speaker plan to be?

A. A violinist. B. A basketball player. C.A journalist.

19. When did the speaker decide to work in the video game industry?

A. After hurting his hand.

B. After leaving university.

C. While studying in a film school.

20. What does the speaker love most about his job?

A. They get high salary. B. They work in harmony. C.They win many prizes.







Shine United(Madison, Wisconsin)

In the past five years,this Wisconsin一based advertising agency has shared more than

$500,000 in profits with its employees through the company’s ShineShares program. The agency partnered with the University of Wisconsin’s oncology department to develop the Ride,a biking event that benefits cancer research .Employees also get snacks every day,“Beer Thirty” on Thursdays,and Summer Fridays,a program that lets employees leave at noon.

GroundFloor Media(Denver,Colorado)

The key for workers at this midsize public relations firm in Denver is that employees work

anytime,anywhere. Headquarters are in a former warehouse downtown,near Coors Field. The

offices are spread around the central space that doubles as a wet bar every Thursday when the

company’s “bear club” brings in a new brew.

Ergodyne(St. Paul,Minnesota)

The St. Paul-based company has grown to operating out of a retired storehouse with plenty

of natural light. Rules about dressing? “Wear something.” Its purpose? To create cool,comfortable,and tough safety workwear for those who need it to get the job done. Ergodyne has around 50 employees,who enjoy hot一dish cook一offs,tickets to sporting events,and at least one L happy hour every quarter.

Southwest Michigan First(Kalamazoo,Michigan)

It’s family first at this Michigan economic development advising agency. CEO Ron Kitchens

says that in the past year,the company has made a push to go green,initially started by the

millennial employees who make up half the agency’s workforce. A new staff position was created

for the purpose of making sure every employee. is able to balance working and cheering at their

kids’sporting events or going fishing.

21.What’s the purpose of the ShineShares program?

A. To raise money for a research. B. To let employees leave earlier.

C. To share the company’s benefits. D. To partner with a local university.

22. What does Southwest Michigan First encourage their employees to do?

A. To create new staff positions. B. To accompany their families.

C. To join in cooking competitions. D. To enjoy themselves in sporting events.

23. Which company allows its staff a flexible workingtime?

A. Shine United. B. GroundFloor Media.

C .Southwest Michigan First. D. Ergodyne.

24. What can we know about the companies mentioned in the text`?

A. They care about employees’happiness.

B. They offer employees financial support.

C .They have strict rules about dressing.

D. They have training programs.

Keep Running into Mary Richards

When I was 13,I first met Mary Richards,the central character in the sitcom(situation

comedy)“The Mary Tyler Moore Show”.She was a single and independent career. woman. As

soon as I heard the show’s theme song Who can turn the world on with her smile?,I was

hooked. My friends were huge fans as well. Passing in the hallway at school,we would shout to

each other,trying to imitate(模仿)Mary’s accent. “Hi,Rho! See ya later,kid?”

The show lasted seven years , but our fascination(着迷)faded earlier. But that wasn’ t the

end of Mary for me. In the 1990s,when I was single,living alone in a city,a TV-station

began airing reruns of “The Mary. Tyler Moore Show” at 10 p.m. I was hooked all over again.

But this time was different. The way she handled her career and relationships,sending a clear

message that being 30-plus and single was just fine,won my respect on a whole new level.

Once again,however,life moved on. I went to live in a different , city,and 10 p.m.

became the perfect time to call my mother each night. For me,talking to Mom was always a great pleasure. So when my mom passed away,it was as if the sun had gone out of the sky. That feeling seemed particularly intense at 10 p.m.,when I’d find myself staring at my silent phone. And then I heard the song I’d first heard at age 13,Who can turn the world on with her smile?. Mary Richards,of course! Thanks to the wonder of technology,Mary was now as close as my phone. So every night at 10,I would dial up an episode of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show.”

Weeks later,I realized I didn’t need my nightly sessions with Mary anymore,because

mom’s and Mary’s elegance was showing itself in other corners of my life and,once again,I

was ready to move on.

25. What does the author’s imitation with her friends indicate?

A. They had a very happy childhood. B. The theme song was well received.

C. Theyvalued their friendship a lot. D. The sitcom was popular with them.

26. How did the sitcom influence the author in the' 1990s?

A. Her career was changed greatly. B. She decided to stop living singly.

C. She became more confident in life. D. Her fascination with it disappeared.

27. What does the underlined word ”intense“ in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. Contradictory. B. Strong. C. Natural. D. Serious.


Few people are aware that Waterloo Bridge,crossed by thousands of daily commuters(上班族)and celebrated as a London landmark,was mainly built by a female workforce.

There are no written or photographic records of the women who built the bridge since the

construction company that built it closed in the 1980s and with it went all the records: What’s left is anecdotal evidence,kept alive by the tourist boat captains who have called it the Ladies Bridge.

During the Second World War,with the majority of the active male .labor force away at the

front,women increasingly took on traditionally male roles. By 1944,25,000 women were

working in the construction industry,carrying out back一breaking tasks. These women were

permitted to carry out this exhausting and dangerous work on the basis that it would only be

temporary and that their pay would be lower than that of men. So the trend in women working

in construction and engineering did not continue after the war.

September sees a series of events celebrating the unknown work of the large female workforce. Musician Claudia Molitor has created a 45-minute musical entitled ”the Singing Bridge“,which runs at Somerset House from 9 to 25 September. In late September,the ”Light up the Ladies Bridge“ event saw the National Theatre’s fly tower lit up by large scale photographic projections(投影)of female construction workers working in construction during World War II.

Let’s all celebrate the women who have helped to build the cities in which we live.

28. Why do few people know about the builders of Waterloo Bridge?

A. Female workers received little attention.

B. The records of their work have been lost.

C. Theconstruction took place long ago.

D. Few people knowabout thebridge.

29.Wby did London womendo theconstruction work?

A. It was a tradition in London. B. They wanted to get a steady job.

C. The company offered them better pay.D. Most men had gone to the battlefield.

30. what’s the fourth paragraph mainly about?

A. The influence of the bridge on art.

B.A musician’s contribution to the bridge.

C. The events in honor of the bridge builders.

D. Women’swork during the Second World War.

31 .Which can be the best title for the text?

A. Female Workers on the Rise B. A Hidden Treasure in London

C. A New London LandmarkD. The Storybehind theLadies Bridge


While the world is still debating the safety of self-driving cars,Dubai is preparing to launch an autonomous flying taxi. Starting in July the world' s first passenger drone(无人机), the EHang 184,will be available to passengers.

The shuttle,released in Las Vegas in January ,weighs 440 pounds and can fly at

heights of up to 11,500 feet. The egg一shaped vehicle has room for a single passenger weighing

up to 220 pounds and a small suitcase. Though the flying taxi can reach speeds of up to 100

mph,it will typically operate at about 62 mph.

Passengers can ask for the flying taxi to pick them up from appointed zones using a smartphone app. Passengers strap into the seat,select a destination on the touchscreen,and

enjoy the flight. To ensure the passenger’s safety,all flights are monitored remotely by a

control room on the ground.

In the unlikely event that any of the components malfunction or disconnect,the drone will

make an emergency landing to ensure the customer’s safety. It’s also programmed to ensure its

route won’t a:Ffect that of another drone. While having no control over the remotely piloted

vehicle may appear scary,the producer,China-based EHang, says,”It is the safest,smartest

and eco一friendly low altitude autonomous flying vehicle.”Any drawback? The EHang 184 has a

battery life of 30 minutes and a flight range of just 31 miles. Also unknown is the cost of each


Though the flying taxi seems advanced,it is not the first driverless transportation option

available to Dubai’s residents. As part of its goal to have 25% of public transportation be

automated by 203fl,the authorities have built the world’s longest driverless metro and introduced self-navigating shuttles. Officials recently also partnered with a US company to buildsupersonic speed gods to carry passengers between Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

32. What can we learn about the flying taxi?

A. A passenger can call for a flying taxi online.

B .It can carry a weight of 220 pounds at most.

C. A passenger can touch the screen to control it.

D. It usually flies at a speed of 100 miles an hour.

33. How can the shuttle guarantee a passenger’s safety in an equipment failure?

A. Itlowers its flying speed. B. It changes to another route.

C. It gets help from the control room. D. It’s programed to land autonomously.

34. What is the drawback of the EHang 184?

A. It’s too scary to ride in it. B . It costs a lot to take a ride.

C. It runs out of power easily. D .It only flies at a low altitude.

35. Which of the following makes the EHang 184?

A. A Chinese company. B.A company in Dubai.

C. An American company.D.A company in Abu Dhabi.



Master Your Deadlines

The struggle begins in high school,sometimes earlier. Deadlines,arid lots of them,start

to pile up. At college,the pressure sometimes leads to last -minute rush and unsatisfactory work. At work,failing to meet deadlines can easily get you Bred. 36 Here are a few best practices.

・Assign deadlines to what matters.

If the task isn’t of high importance,don’t set a specific deadline. In this way,you are able to keep it on your radar for a while without feeling pressured. 37 This will provide justenough pressure to ensure you get it done.


Set a personal deadline for yourself a day or two before the actual deadline 39 If you’re

working with a group of people,add in even more time to account for potential follow-ups and

the need for approvals.

・Keep communicating.

40 This means letting others know when something is taking longer than expected,when

a delivery didn’t come in,when a client is not providing the necessary information,etc.

Although it may feel embarrassing to admit that something is not on schedule,being honest is

much better for relieving your stress.

A. Plan for flexible hours.

B. Finish your project as early as possible.

C. But if an activity is urgent,set a deadline immediately.

D. In this way,you’11 never have to stay up late and feel stressed.

E. But handled properly, deadlines canactually improve productivity.

F. Whenever you feel challenged to finish work on time,communicate.

G. So if anything takes longer than expected,you can still wrap it up and submit it on time.




On our first anniversary,Jack bought a bottle of Casaque,an expensive cologne(古龙香水

for me. “We agreed to save the money for your postgraduate education”,I said somewhat half-heartedly as I took it out from a beautifully-wrapped packet. “I am unable not to give something 41 to the world’s most beautiful bride,honey!”I held it to my 42 ,and smelled the most pleasant flavor I could. ever 43 .Looking down at my 44 blue jeans and ugly, ragged tennis shoes,I wondered if I could ever be worthy of it. But I would 45 .I used only a little of it every time 46 Jack graduated and our life was financially easier. It’s a 47 the

foolish love of a young husband.

Then one day three-year-old Jim was sitting on the floor 48 the empty cologne bottle His lips wet,he was making a( n ) 49 face. He drank my 50 cologne! ”Jack; come quick,’I cried,“Can cologne 51 my baby? Jim drank the rest of it!”“It’s mostly just alcohol,honey,” Jack 52 me. Little Jim was fine,and my concern for my child was 53 .I now felt 54 to see the empty cologne bottle.

A few weeks later,Jack bought another bottle of my beloved cologne. I 55 it as much as I had done to the earlier one. 56 ,it became three-quarters empty. I thought it best to buy mother 57 .But the shop assistant told me that there wasp’t even a maker of that brand any more.

Now I only use my special cologne on very important occasions,because there will be 58 to replace it when these last few precious 59 are gone. But from the bottom of my heart it’,not three-quarters empty but still one-quarter full. Perhaps if I’m very careful,I can 60 using it for the rest of my life.

41 .A. special B. terrible C. practical D. cheap

42. A. eye B. nose C. hand D. mouth

43 .A. imagine B. afford C. touch D. describe

44. A. clumsy B. unique C. faded D. stylish

45 .A. try B. act C. insist D. withdraw

46. A. unless B. even if C. until D. even after

47. A. cost B. consequence C. standard D. symbol

48. A. looking for B. holding C. reaching for D. filling

49. A. amused B. excited C. awful D. happy

50. A. poisonous B. precious C. dangerous D. magical;

51 .A. hurt B. attract C. frighten D.please

52. A. criticized B. encouraged C. educated D. comforted

53. A. increased B. relieved C. confirmed D. developed

54. A. grateful B. nervous C. heartbroken D. desperate

55. A, resisted B. wasted C. protected D. prized

56. A. Still B. So C. Otherwise D. Therefore

57. A. brand B. bottle C.flavor D. color

58. A. some B. none C.another D. more

59. A. quarters B. packets C.drops D. shops

60. A. turn to B .devote to C .count on D .decide on





Chinese are the first people to have tea. One thousand and two hundred years ago,Lu Yu

wrote a book called “The Classic of Tea”, 61 is honored as “The Bible of Tea”. The book

gives a detailed 62 (explain)of the origin,the processing skills and the classification of tea.

However,Chinese tea culture goes far beyond tea 63 (it).Take green tea for instance,

the ideal temperature of the water should be around 80 degree Celsius. If the water is too hot,

nutrients(营养)in the tea 64 ( destroy ). On the other hand , if the water is not hot enough ,

the tea 65 (leaf ) won’t open up and you will miss the pleasantly fresh flavor. So Chinese

people axe accustomed 66 drinking hot tea. When you visit a Chinese friend,your friend

will 67 (constant)add hot water to your emptying cup of tea. It is polite 68 (offer)the tea

cup to guests with both hands. Of course,the guests should pay respect as well 69 (take)

over the cup with both hands.

Talking about adding water to the tea cup,there is 70 saying: wine full,full cup. Tea

half,half cup. For wine,full cup symbolizes whole heartiness. For tea,half,it means modesty.










Mistakes are unavoidable in life. But attitudes towards it may make a difference.

I still remember haw my spoken English was improved. In a beginning,I always kept silent

in our oral class to avoid make mistakes. Before long my teacher got to know about mysituation. He encouraged me to speak out that I thought. Whenever I made mistakes and felt discouraging,my teacher arid my classmates would help me figure out how I must have avoided them. I also joined in an English club to get more chances to speak. Practice made perfect.Now I can talk fluent in English.

Just as the saying goes,“Every bean has its black.”Don’t afraid, of making mistakes. Learn

from mistakes,and success is just waiting for us.







Dear David


Li Hua







7.考研英语真题 答案解析






1-5 AAACA    6-10 BBBAA   11-15 ACCBA    16-20 BACBC


21-2 5 CBBAA     26-30 AABCA  31-35 CDABC


36-40 BBABC


41-45 ABAAB      46-50 ACBBA


51-55 DDABB  56-60 DDAAC   61-65  DCBBA

第二部分 非选择题  (70分)


66.present      67.whole         68.tastes      69.model

70.collecting/to collect   71.is lying        72.to play

73.fits                74.writing        75.the fifth


76. with   77 comfortable    78. bedroom  79.alone   80.music

81. in     82.send     83.kitchen   84.cooking      85.delicious


86. She likes studying./ Studying.

87. She is helpful./Helpful

88. By bus./She takes a bus .

89. After school.

90. At home.




91.Do,any  92. much, would  93. Why, is   94. are , libraries

95. Both ,of


96. day     97. vegetables  98. Shopping/small  99. cheap

100. enough  101. changes 102. reads  103. Then  104. with  105. happy


Tom's lifestyle

I have a friend. His name is Tom. He likes playing computer games .He often eats fast food such as hamburgers, chicken and ice cream. He seldom eats vegetables and fruit. He also eats sweet snacks between meals. He doesn't like sports. So he is fat.

He feels that it's time for him to change his diet and lifestyle. He plans to get up at 6:30 and has breakfast at home. He has milk, bread and eggs .He has no time for lunch at home, so he has it at school. For lunch, he has a bowl of rice .some meat and vegetables. Sometimes he has fish. He has supper at home with his parents. He goes for a walk after supper. He plays basketball with his friends every Saturday. Now he is stron g and healthy.

试题分析:这是一篇给材料作文,介绍汤姆的生活方式。结合所给材料,可知本文主要考查一般现在时态,人称为单数第三人称,注意主谓一致问题,句子结构主要为系表结构,注意一些常见句式的应用,比如:He is ......,He often eats......;及He wants to......等句式的应用。写作中注意运用代词,注意多种句式交替运用。写作中注意叙述顺序,符合逻辑关系。











1. Is there a bank near here?

Yes. I saw him this morning.

A. Right                                 B. Wrong

2.What does he look like?

He is tall and thin.

A. Right                              B. Wrong

3.Where did you go for your holiday?

Two years ago.

A. Right                                B. Wrong

4.What are you going to do this evening?

I went there with some friends.

A. Right                                 B. Wrong

5.How can I book a cheap hotel?

If I were you, I'd phone a travel agent.

A. Right                               B. Wrong

第二部分  词汇与结构(共计40分,每小题2分)


6. A:           you watch television last night?

B. No, I didn't.

A. Do                                  B. Did

C. Can

7. I went to see a film yesterday. The film was           great.

A. really                                  B. very

C. too

8. A.           is at the door?

B. It must be our new neighbour, Mrs Jones.

A. What                              B. Which

C. Who

9. He          answer my phone call yesterday.

A. doesn't                              B. didn't

C. wasn't

10. She          our car to go to Bristol yesterday.

A. borrowed                              B. returned

C. lent

11. I was watching TV           the telephone rang.

A. while                                  B. when

C. since

12. They finished           tennis at seven.

A. to play                             B. playing

C. on playing

13. It was          cold to go for a walk.

A. very                                 B. too

C. enough

14. The young girl           fluent French.

A. says                                   B. speaks

C. talks

15. I went shopping           I needed a new pair of shoes.

A. although                              B. because

C. so

16. I have no idea who stole his wallet. It          anyone.

A. could have been                       B. should have been

C. must have been

17.           stole my purse when I was on the train.

A. Anyone                              B. Someone

C. Something

18. The computer doesn't work. You should get it

A. to repair                             B. repairing

C. repaired

19. A: Which of these newspapers have you read?

B: I’ve read           them.

A. both                               B. both of

C. any of

20. I can't arrive before 6.00. I'll try to be there           6.30.

A. until                               B. till

C. by

21.           a problem with the laptop yesterday, but it wasn't very serious.

A. It was                                 B. There was

C. There is

22. I          smoke before, but I do now.

A. didn't use to                        B. used to

C. am used to

23. It was raining and           we went home.

A. that                                   B. because

C,  so

24. Kunming is          the southwest of China.

A. on                                     B. in

C. to

25. She is very patient          the children. She never shouts at them.

A. in                                 B. with

C.  on

第三部分  句型变换(共计15分,每小题3分)


26. He didn't run fast. He didn't catch the bus. (用 enough......to 改写句子)

27. He stole the laptop. (改为被动语态)

28. That cinema is very nice. The tickets are quite expensive. (用 but将两句连成一句)

29. ”Can you phone me later, Susan?“ said David. (用ask, to 改写句子)

30. Jack is responsible for all the training. (用What针对all the training提问)

第四部分  阅读理解(共计20分,每小题2分)


Polly:  Franco, who do you take after in your family?

Franco: Definitely my mother. We're both quite moody and impatient. We used to argue a lot when I was growing up, because she's quick-tempered. Also, we' re both talland thin.

Polly:  Do you look like her as well?

Franco. No, I look like my dad, but he's very calm. I am more romantic. What about you?

Polly:  People say I look like my mum. We've got the same nose, unfortunately. But I'mnot like her in other ways. She' s shy whereas I' m much more sociable -- I love being with my friends and meeting new people, but she hates it. I'm more like my dad, I think. What about you, Mary?

Mary:   I'm a natural optimist, just like my dad. He is never pessimistic. I always think that everything will work out well in the end and so does he. I've got the same sense of humour as my mum. We both laugh at stupid things. I suppose I look a bit like my grandmother. We've got the same smile, and we both have very dark hair.

31. Francois         is tall and thin.

A. mum                                B. dad

C. daughter

32. Francois dad is

A. quick-tempered                       B. romantic

C. calm

33. Polly's mum is           and           meeting new people.

A. sociable; loves                       B. shy; hates

C. shy; loves

34. Mary is a(n)          , just like her dad.

A. optimist                             B. pessimist

C. artist

35. Mary has the same          like her grandmother.

A. eyes                                   B. nose

C. smile


When I leave university in July, I don't want to get a job straightaway. I've worked hard for 3 years, and now I need a long holiday. I'11 have to work for the rest of my life, so now is a good time to take a break.

I'd like to travel around the world for a few months. I've already bought a ticket to go and visit my relatives in New Zealand. I leave on August 14th. I plan to work there for a while. On the way back from there I hope to visit an old friend of mine in America, and I want to go to Canada as well. I might stop in some other places, too. I haven't decided yet.

When I finish travelling, I will have to get a job.  I studied economics at Bristol University, and my father works in a bank, so I'll probably work there at first. I'm not looking forward to that, but I want to buy a house one day, so I'11 have to earn somemoney.

36. I want to get a job as soon as possible.

A. Right                              B. Wrong

37. I'11 first go to New Zealand.

A. Right                              B. Wrong

38. I have relatives in America.

A. Right                              B. Wrong

39. I'll probably work in a bank.

A. Right                                B. Wrong

40. I'll earn some money to travel around the world.

A. Right                              B. Wrong

第五部分  翻译(共计15分,每小题3分)


41. She borrowed the book and gave it back on Monday.

42. One of the biggest sporting events in the world is the Olympic Games.

43. I've got the same sense of humour as my mum.

441 Sandy is wearing a long, black, silk dress.

45. He used to play basketball every Sunday.


第一部分  交际用语(每题2分,共计10分)

1.B    2.A    3.B    4.B    5.A

第二部分  词汇与结构(每题2分,共计40分)

6.B    7.A    8.C    9.B    10.A

11.B    12.B    13.B    14.B    15.B

16.A    17.B    18.C    19.B    20.C

21.B    22.A    23.C    24.B    25.B

第三部分  句型变换(每题3分,共计15分)

26. He didn't run fast enough to catch the bus.

27. The laptop was stolen (by him).

28. That cinema is very nice but the tickets are quite expensive.

29. David asked Susan to phone him later.

30. What is Jack responsible for?

第四部分  阅读理解(每题2分,共计20分)

31.A    32.C    33.B    34.A    35.C

36.B    37.A    38.B    39.A    40.B

第五部分  翻译(每题3分,共计15分)











Every year, millions of salmon swim from the ocean into the mouths of rivers and then steadily up the rivers. Passing through waters, around rocks and waterfalls, the fish finally reach their original streams or lakes. They dig out nests in the riverbed and lay their eggs. Then, exhausted by their journey, the parent salmon die. They have finished the task that nature has given them. Months, or years later, the young fish start their trip to the ocean. They live in the salt water from 2-7 years, until they, too are ready to swim back to reproduce. Their life cycle helps man provide himself with a basic food-fish. When the adult salmon gather at the river mouths for the annual trip up the rivers, they are in the best possible condition, and nearly every harbor has its salmon fishing fleet ready to catch thousands for markets.?

Now, you have two minutes to check through your work.?


In sections A, B and C, you will hear everything once only. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.


In this section, you will hear seven statements. At the end of each statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.?

1. You must relax. Don’t work too hard. And do watch your drinking and smoking.?

2.We hadn’t quite expected the committee to agree to rebuild the hospital, so we were taken aback when we got to know that it had finally agreed.?

3.The coach leaves the station every 20 minutes. It’s ?9:15? now, and you have to wait for five minutes for the next one.?

4.Perhaps Jane shouldn’t have got married in the first place. No one knows what she might have been doing now, but not washing up. That’s for sure!?

5.I happen to be working on a similar project at the moment. I am only too















懂了,还错,就可能是误解了,多看些时政文章,会比较有帮助。如果想走捷径的话,四六及,专四,专八da an,考后富费,加我秋秋细聊报过,da an保准,不准退双倍前。看看过级率再决定那就来南京邦元教育、、这里有专业的老师、有专科的试卷来邦元教育




Study the following set of cartoons carefully and write an essay in which you should

1)describe the cartoons,

2) state its main idea, and give your comment.


These two cartoons show two contrasting scenes. While the male student spends all histime and money playing Internet games, the female student studies diligently. One could easilyargue that a bright future awaits the students who study hard, while those who waste tuitionplaying games have little to look forward to. The above images encourage students to valuetheir time in school and take advantage of educational opportunities.

While students dream of being accepted into college for years, they often become lost onceadmitted. Without their parents' constant support and advice, or because of limitedcommunication with teachers, many students are unable to focus on their future goals. Suchconfusion leads some to forget their studies and resort to playing on the Internet, amongother forms of recreation.

Students should not only keep their ambitions in mind, but also seriously strive towardsthem.Without a clear purpose, one might easily waste crucial years neglecting one's studies.

Constantly playing on the Internet leads to failure, while continuously studying guaranteessuccess. Students need to appreciate their time in school, and work hard in order to ensure agood future.


Directions:Study the following cartoon carefullyand write an essay in which you should

1) describe the cartoon,

2) interpret its meaning, and

3) point out its implications in our life.


In the black and white drawing above, a youth gravely contemplates a narrow winding pathheading into a forest. Perhaps he thinks that his own future may be much like this path; full ofbends and curves, thorns and traps. The road to success is never anything but uneven anddifficult.

In fact, one could even say that the more successful one's life is, the more problems andhardships one must have overcome. The ability to work through difficult situations andunfortunate events only makes one stronger and more capable. Given that the road tohappiness always contains obstacles and setbacks, we should be well prepared for thehardships that life inevitably brings, and abandon the idea that life is smooth or easy. Wemust accept the fact that failures are unavoidable, whether they are failures in examinations,in finding a job, or carrying out a task. People who accept that their life will not always be simpleor calm are better able to handle problems when they arise. Those who are upset by each andevery small setback ― and there are many people with such attitudes― do not have muchpotential. Failure is mother to success as it can strengthen one's will. Those who can drawlessons from failure are destined for success.



As we all know,thrift is a great tradition of the Chinese nation, but also a concrete expression of high moral standing.Along with the more and more higher of living standards,many people are no longer interested in the life of thrift.They felt that thrift is becoming a thing of the pas.just as the saying goes,Waste not, want not.In fact, the thrift is not a matter of how difficult it does not need you too much to deliberate what to do.

For one thing,in a personal way,there are many things worth saving, such as water, food, power, etc. What you waste is what others need,we will not only think what we like and what we want,but also consider about the necessary to someone.For another,as a country,it is essential that advocate the good tradition of hardworking and being frugal and consciously resist waste and extravagance.Our government is aiming to build an economical society.

At last,we need to work hard, be thrifty, and oppose waste and extravagance.Not only is it our traditional virtue,but also it can help us save resources.


great tradition 大传统

Chinese nation 中华民族

more and more 越来越,日益,越来越

living standards 生活标准( living standard的`名词复数 )

many people 众人

interested in 对…感兴趣

as the saying goes 常言道;语云

a matter of 大约,左右

For one thing 首先, 一则

hardworking 用功; 刻苦; 苦干的

frugal 朴素的,节省的

consciously 自觉地,有意识地










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1. What do we know about the weather?

A. It’s hot. B. It’s cold. C. It’s windy.

2. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. At a bank. C. In a hospital.

3. What do the speakers think of the English course?

A. It’s going to be a lot of fun.

B. It requires a lot of reading.

C. It will work out quite well.

4. What does the man suggest the woman do?

A. Save time by using a computer.

B. Borrow Martha’s computer.

C. Buy a computer of her own.

5. How long did it take the man to finish his project?

A. About 1. 5 hours. B. About 2 hours. C. About 3. hours.




6. When is the man going to Australia?

A. In two weeks. B. In a few months. C. In half a year.

7. What is the man going to do in Australia?

A. To go for a further study. B. To visit his pen friend. C. To start a branch company.

8. Where are the speakers going to meet?

A. At Mary’s. B. At Peter’s. C. In Australia.


9. What class does the woman want to take?

A. Exercise class. B. Dance class. C. Language class.

10. How many classes are there in the afternoon?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three.

11. Which class does the woman take?

A. Morning class. B. Afternoon class. C. Evening class.


12. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Finding a freeway. B. Directions to a house. C. A map on the Internet.

13. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Classmates. B. Driver and passenger. C. Husband and wife.

14. What will the man and woman probably do next?

A. Use the computer. B. Take a drive. C. Buy a better map.


15. How long does winter last in the woman’s country?

A. Two months. B. Four months. C. Six months.

16. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Culture differences. B. Traveling abroad. C. Family worries.

17. What does the woman think of living abroad?

A. It’s not easy to meet people.

B. People worry about the same things.

C. People needn’t worry about their children.


18. What’s the major problem with the research plan?

A. It isn’t finished yet. B. It takes too much time. C. It hasn’t been discussed.

19. When is the man speaker free?

A. On Wednesday morning. B. On Thursday afternoon. C. On Friday evening.

20. Where will they most probably discuss the research plan?

A. At Jack’s place. B. At Linda’s place. C. At Susan’s place.



21. —Do you think they can keep our classroom clean?

A. I don’t believe B. I don’t believe it

C. I believe not so D. I believe not

22. I don’t usually have ______ breakfast, but I always eat ______ good lunch.

A. 不填; 不填 B. 不填; a C. the, 不填 D. 不填; the

23. The parcel _____ so much that I dropped it on the stairs.

A. weighs B. is weighed C. was weighed D. weighed

24. His lecture was so puzzling that we could hardly make any _____ of it.

A. explanation B. meaning C. sense D. expression

25. Heller Keller seemed _____ of understanding the code that Anne Sullivan had created.

A. incapable B. mysterious C. rude D. sensitive

26. —Excuse me, sir? Can I drive my car back? —Sorry, it _____.

A. has repaired B. has been repaired C. is repairing D. is being repaired

27. When his mother asked him, he admitted _____ the vase and said sorry to her.

A. to break B. to have broken C. breaking D. having been broken

28. There are no easy answers to questions brought to us by the rapidly changing world, _____ we can try to turn challenges into opportunities.

A. so B. but C. for p. then

29. _____ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect.

A. That B. What C. This D. Whether

30. The report given by Professor Wang _____ why the majority of people are right handed.

A. works for B. takes for C. accounts for D. answers for

31. He came back to the village _____ he spent years in his childhood.

A. which B. that C. of which D. where

32. Not until Tom failed in the entrance exam _____ he wasted so much time hanging around.

A. did he realize B. he realized C. he did realize D. didn’t he realize

33. The manager told me that I could work in his company _____ I am free.

A. wherever B. whenever C. whatever D. however

34. Many teachers believe that students _____ to experiment with new ideas.

A. must encourage B. should be encouraged

C. can encourage D. might have encouraged

35. The population of Asia is increasing sharply. Cities like Shanghai and Jakarta would _____ have a population of 20 million by 2010.

A. both B. either C. each D. every



My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as, “Oh, Beckham is so handsome, so cool, that I can’t help falling in love with him. I” or “What perfect skills he has?” Yeah, I 36 to some degree, though I sometimes do want to 37 them how much they know about Beckham, apart from his 38 and how much they know about football besides 39 goals. It seems funny that we are 40 about things, with which we are unfamiliar or about which we are 41 but we all, my friends as well as I, consider this one of life’s 42

We need these pleasures to 43 our lives. But that doesn’t amount to craziness or nonsense. As a saying 44 ; “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” We 45 not judge anything from its appearance. We should all know, it is one’s good 46 and great contribution that make one a star and unforgettable. Therefore we’d better say 47 about Beckham’s good looks.

If we close our eyes, falling in deep 48 , we can find that the things that move us to be really happy or sad have a 49 meaning. If we don’t go deeper and are just satisfied with 50 things, sooner or later we’ll find we have not really gained anything because our first 51 has blinded and misled us, and we’ll remain ignorant(无知的) 52 we realize

that and make some changes.

It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is a 53 of great progress. If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it pains us, we will 54 prove how much we have 55 up, how much more sensible, mature(成熟的), and intelligent we have become.

36. A. struggle B. agree C. expect D. quarrel

37. A. ask B. puzzle C. require D. doubt

38. A. relationship B. fame C. team D. appearance

39. A. keeping B. hitting C. scoring D. controlling

40. A. thankful B. crazy C. curious D. anxious

41. A. uncertain B. unhappy C. confident D. careful

42. A. aims B. qualities C. pleasures D. truths

43. A. keep up B. brighten up C. find out D. bring about

44. A. tells B. comes C. goes D. talks

45. A. might B. would C. could D. should

46. A. wisdom B. character C. looks D. ability

47. A. more B. something C. less D. nothing

48. A. love B. sleep C. dream D. thought

49. A. clear B. distant C. ridiculous D. valuable

50. A. material B. unique C. surface D. pleasant

51. A. conclusion B. experience C. lesson D. impression

52. A. since B. although C. unless D. before

53. A. sign B. cause C. value D. willingness

54. A. really B. finally C. nearly D. early

55. A. given B. sent C. built D. grown




A Hong Kong school is using the heroine of a Korean soap opera set in the 19th century to teach its pupils life skills.

Yau Ma Tei Catholic School has adopted the hit show “Jewel in the Palace” as a model for a series of classes in which pupils recreate real life situations and work out how the lead character would solve them.

“Dae Jang Geum embodies (shows) the sort of qualities and values that we would like our children to have,” said Patsy Leung, the school’s head of civic education.

In the period drama, set in Korea’s 19th-century Joseon Dynasty, Dae Jang Geum is a servant girl who rises up to become the only female doctor in the emperor’s court. The character’s determination and indomitable spirit made her an instant heroine among Asian TV viewers, taking the show. record audiences last year, becoming a major part of the so-called “Korean Wave” of popular culture that swept briefly across Asia in recent years and made stars of Korean actors and pop singers such as Rain.

“Dae Jang Geum is a strong character who never gives up, no matter how tough the problem is,” said Leung. “She is also a good role model to girls, because she fought against the male-dominated hierarchy(等级制度) and sexism of her time.”

In some of the classes, pupils role play situations as the TV heroine, even dressed in her trademark traditional white Korean gowns.

The Korean television channel that made the show granted the school permission to use five minutes of footage (-) in classes.

“Our pupils play the parts of the characters in problem-solving situations with real footage,” said Leung.

“It allows us to use it as teaching material and is part. of our movie-making class, too.

We hope the pupils will also be able to take it home and pass on the teachings and values of Dae Jang Geum to their family.”

56. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A. Korean Plays Welcomed by Girls B. Korean Superstars Welcomed

C. Korean Soap Entering Classrooms D. Korean Wave Comes to HK

57. The school chooses this mentioned TV play to teach their pupils because ______.

A. they are greatly affected by the “Korean Wave”

B. girls in this school love the stars in the play

C. pupils may benefit from the character’s spirit

D. the pupils are being trained for movie-making

58. The pupils can learn from the character mainly by ______.

A. role-playing the situations in the play B. inviting the stars to their school

C. watching the play on TV D. acting the role of a servant

59. Which of the following is true about Dae Jang Geum?

A. She has already become a popular star in Asia.

B. She looked down upon males of her time.

C. The actress’s real name is Rain.

D. She turned court doctor through difficulties.

60. What does the teacher think of “Jewel in the Palace”?

A. Harmful. B. Beneficial. C. Amusing. D. Traditional.


Reading can provide lots of fun for children and teens during summer vacation. Children who read during the summer are better prepared for school when they return to classes in the fall. Public libraries throughout Wisconsin will host summer events to encourage children and young adults to include reading in their summer fun.

All Star Readers

The Milwaukee Public Library will host its 2007 Summer Reading Club for kids from 3 to 18. Signing up starts on June 1 at all Milwaukee public libraries and bookmobile sites.

Children aged 6 to 12 are invited to become ”All Star Readers" at the Milwaukee library when they sign up for the Summer Reading Club. Children can score a point by reading 10 books or 1,000 pages. When they reach the reading goal. theywill win a bag full of prizes.

Sparkey Spots the Ball

Children up to 5 years old can join the read-to-me club, “Sparkey Spots the Ball”. They will receive their own reading folders to record the books read to them by parents, DiLiihers and sisters or relatives. Once they have listened to 20 books, they will win a baseball and a coupon(优惠卷) for McDonald’s ice cream.

X-treme Read

Teens between the age of 13 and 18 can join in their own reading program called “X-treme Read”. Teens can read to win movie passes, CDs and more.

The library also plans extreme bike races by C4BMX at four libraries in June and July. Check with your local library or Milwaukee Journal Sentinel for the exact dates, times and places of the demonstrations(集会).

61. What’s the writer’s main purpose of writing this passage?

A. To draw people’s attention of the importance of reading.

B. To attract more readers to come to the public library.

C. To give a description of different ways of holiday reading.

D. To get people informed of what is happening around.

62. In order to become “All Star Readers” and win a lot of prizes, you ______.

A. should be more than 6 years old

B. should be at least five years old

C. must read at least 1,000 pages or 10 books

D. just need to sign up at the Milwaukee library

63. Students who take part in the reading club can _________.

A. take part in extreme bike races B. get a good mark in the final exam

C. get better prepared for the new term D. finish their homework ahead of time

64. If you are a 17-year-old student who wants to win some prizes, you can take part in _________.

A. 2007 Summer Reading Club B. X-treme Read

C. Sparkey Spots the Ball D. All Star Readers

65. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Children up to 5 might win a baseball or an ice cream.

B. Teens who have listened to books might win movie tickets.

C. The public libraries only allow children to read in the reading club.

D. Students who want to read can sign up at any public library at Milwaukee.


Parents should stop blaming themselves because there’s not a lot they can do about it. I mean the teenager problem. Whatever you do or however you choose to deal with it, at certain times a wonderful, reasonable and helpful child will turn into a terrible animal.

I’ve seen friends deal with it in all kinds of different ways. One strict mother insisted that her son, right from a child, should stand up whenever anyone entered the room, open doors and shake hands like a gentleman. I saw him last week when I called round. Sprawling himself(懒散地躺) on the sofa in full length, he made no attempt to turn off the loud TV he was watching as I walked in, and his greeting was no more than a quick glance at me. His mother was ashamed. “I don’t know what to do with him these days,” she said. “He’s forgotten all the manners we taught him.”

He hasn’t forgotten them. He’s just decided that he’s not going to use them. She confessed (供认) that she would like to come up behind him and throw him down from the sofa onto the floor.

Another good friend of mine let her two daughters climb all over the furniture, reach across the table, stare at me and say “I don’t like your dress; it’s ugly.” One of the daughters has recently been driven out of school. The other has left home.

“Where did we go wrong?” her parents are now very sad. Probably nowhere much. At least, no more than the rest of that unfortunate race, parents.

66. This passage is most probably written by _____.

A. a specialist in teenager studies

B. a headmaster of a middle school

C. a parent with teenage children

D. a doctor for mental health problems

67. The boy on the sofa would most probably be described as ______.

A. lazy B. rude C. unusual D. quiet

68. The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “______”.

A. the parents’ opinion B. the terrible animal

C. the teenage problem D. the parents’ advice

69. From the second example we can infer that the parents of the two daughters ________.

A. pay no attention to them B. are too busy to look after them

C. have come to hate them D. feel helpless to do much about them

70. What is the author’s opinion of the sudden change in teenage children?

A. Parents have no choice but to try to accept it.

B. Parents should pay much attention to the change.

C. Parents should work closely with school teachers.

D. Parents are at fault for the change in their children.


第四部分 写(共三节,满分35分)

第一节 单词拼写(共10题,每小题0.5分,满分5分)


71. She has a rather poor o _____ of your written work.

72. He needs a high income to ______(支撑) such a large family.

73. Production in the factories stopped because of ______(频繁) power failures.

74. Many people wisely set ______(留下) some money to use when they get old.

75. He g _____ as an M. D. at Edinburgh University last year.

76. I’m sorry I don’t know you. Maybe you are _____(混淆) me with someone else.

77. I was a______ about the children when they didn’t come back home from school.

78. W ______ you choose to live, there are always going to be advantages and disadvantages.

79. The teams from different schools held a______(辩论) after the exam.

80. Some important government _____(官员) have been invited to the opening ceremony.

71. ________ 72. ________ 73. ________ 74. ________

75. ________ 76. ________ 77. ________ 78. ________

79. ________ 80. ________

第二节 阅读表达 阅读下面的短文并回答问题。(每题2分,共10分)

Do you want to work with people or animals or machines or tools? Do you want to work indoors or outdoors, directly serve people in need or serve people behind the scenes? These are the typical questions that a volunteer service agency would ask.

Every year, thousands and thousands of people in the west offer volunteer services. Volunteering greatly strengthens the community partly because it helps the old the young, the weak, the sick, the disabled and the injured to overcome difficulties.

Volunteers usually help in many different ways. They may give people advice, offer friendship to the young, drive the elderly to church, counsel kids against drugs, work as an assistant in a school or nursing home, raise funds, plant trees, help out in local libraries and do many other things.

Volunteering can be a few hours a week or a few hours a month, time during the day,evenings or weekends, either part time or full time. Anybody _____ can become a volunteer.

The art of volunteering is a process (过程) of both giving and receiving. Volunteering allows volunteers to meet new people and make new friends and mix with people from all walks of life. Volunteering is an excellent way to experiment,practise and try out new techniques and skills. It is much more effective to practise a skill than to read about it or study it in a classroom. Volunteering is a great way to develop good teamwork skills, discover your individual talents and explore career choices. Being a volunteer takes individuals (people) on a wonderful journey and helps them learn many important things beyond their school learning.

81. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words. )

82. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

Volunteer service can provide chances for volunteers to make acquaintance of all kinds of people.

83. Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words, phrases or sentence to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words. )

84. What kind of volunteer jobs would you like to take ? Why? (Please answer within 30words.)

85. Translate the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph into Chinese.

第三节 写作(满分20分)


DocumentsID card, passport

Clothessweater, raincoat, walking shoes

Articlesmedicine, umbrella, vacuum bottle

Equipmentmobile phone, compass

Booksguidebook, map, magazine

Other thingscamera, CD player, Mp3

I will travel with my parents in Hainan province this summer vacation. We’ll take the, following things with us, which are___________________________________


1—5BABCA 6—10 ACBBA 11—15CBCAC 16—20ABBCA

21—25 DBDCA 26—30 DCBAC 31—35 DABBC 36—40 BADCB

41—45 ACBCD 46—50 BCDAC 51—55 DCABD 56—60 CCADB

61—65 AACBD 66—70 ABCDA

71. opinion 72. support 73. frequent 74. aside 75. graduated

76. confusing 77. anxious 78. Wherever 79. debate 80. officials

81. Volunteer Service in the West

82. Volunteering allows volunteers to meet new people and make new friends and mix with people from all walks of life.

83. who is willing / likes to serve people in need

84. I like to help out in local libraries, because I like books very much. I’ll arrange them in a good order so that readers can easily find what they want.

85. 从事志愿者工作可以引导人走向一条理想的人生之路,学会从课堂中学不到的重要东西。

One possible version:

I will travel with my parents in Hainan province this summer vacation. We’ll take the following things with us, which are my ID card, a camera, a compass, a CD player and some clothes. I think the ID card is a basic and necessary document, and it is often used by tourists. The camera is used to take pictures or record what we have done during the trip, and it can bring us a lot of fun. We’d better take the compass with us when traveling in the forests, in case we may get lost. And then the CD player I think, is also very important for me to kill the time when on the bus, on the train or the plane. What’s more, I have to bring one or two coats when traveling to a different place in case the weather changes. In a word, among all above, I think the ID card is the most important.


